The Sage-ing Guild Communicator


The Sage-ing Guild Communicator
Changing the paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing®

November 2009



In This Issue


News & Events

Of Interest





Coordinating Circle

Gary Carlson, Chair
Judy Charlick
Cheryl Goodman
Johanna Lessner
Trudy Medcalf
Sandy Sabersky
Paul Severance


• Judith Helburn, editor
• DJ Doice
• Anne Boynton
• Charles James
• Stuart Lyster
• Lorrie Eigles
• Rick Moody in Human Values in Aging
• National Interfaith Coalition on Aging's Interfaith Voice
• Ken & Mary Gergen's Positive Aging Newsletter, Oct. 2009

Contact Us

In Memoriam

Gene D. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
September 28, 1944 - November 7, 2009

Dr. Cohen's contributions to geriatric medicine are limitless. He authored over 150 publications in the field of aging including several edited text books and individually authored books, including The Creative Age: Awakening the Human Potential in the Second Half of Life, published in 2000, and most recently, The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain.

In youth our ignorance gives us courage with age our courage gives us hope with hope we learn that man is more than the sum of what he does we also are what we wish we did and age teaches us that even that doesn't matter.
—Nikki Giovanni


Wisdom Circle: Key figures who have made significant contributions for elders in the world and who share our vision of "changing the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing®."

We are honored to have the following sages in our Wisdom Circle: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Angeles Arrien, Robert Atchley, Connie Goldman, Richard Leider, Wendy Lustbader, Rick Moody, and William Thomas.

Professional members: Our membership is always open to both Certified Sage-ing Leaders and Sage-ing Circle Facilitators. Our trained Professional Sage-ing Guild members who by supporting the SG have access to the members-only web site and receive discounts for SG events and merchandise among other advantages.

Associate members: Benefits of Associate membership include:
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Guild in its work for elders
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Sage-ing work of Reb Zalman
  • Networking with other members thru listserv
  • Discounts on merchandise
  • Occasional e-newsletter
  • Regional association with other Guild members
  • Discounts on regional, national meetings

    Please see the Sage-ing Guild website for details, including membership forms.

    In response to those who find the membership dues too dear, we will honor any Sage-ing Leader who sends what s/he feels is appropriate with membership.


    NEW: 2½" round stickers for class folders and more. Twenty-five for $5.00 + $1.50 postage and handling

    The Sage-ing Workbook previously published by SEI has been revived by Bahira Sugarman, Reb Shaya Isenberg and Lynne Iser (which they originally compiled in 1996). It now is in a beautiful new 83-page format for the Sage-ing Guild, with 35 photographs that greatly enhance its appearance and its effectiveness. The Sage-ing content is not changed, just its appearance, which adds a deeper meaning to the words. We now have a variety of Sage-ing materials on the Guild website.

    From Age-ing to Sage-ing is also available from our website, as are audio and video tapes.


    If you are a member of the Sage-ing Guild, please feel free to contribute to this occasional e-letter. .

    Anyone may subscribe to The Sage-ing Guild Communicator by .

    What would it mean to us if we were able to set aside the broken machine metaphor of old age and instead see old age as a final unfolding, beautiful and unique?
    —Bill Thomas, The Eden Alternative


    Negative feelings are like stray cats.
    The more you feed them,
    The more they hang around.


Welcome! To the Sage-ing® Guild's e-letter. Our vision is: To change the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing. You are receiving this because you are a member of the Sage-ing Guild, a Sage-ing Leader or a Being seeking Sage-ing. If you do not wish to continue receiving this newsletter, four times a year, click to unsubscribe. The Sage-ing Guild Communicator is open to anyone who is interested in conscious aging. One may sign up by sending an email to .

Mission Statement: To change the paradigm of aging by building a community of leaders to transmit the wisdom of Sage-ing.



Leaving a Legacy
Chuck Warren in Winter Haven, Florida led a journaling group under the Sage-ing banner. One gentleman has a grandson who lives in another state whom he seldom sees. After the young boy went to see the movie "Saving Private Ryan," he asked his grandfather on the phone about his experience during the battle of Normandy. He knew that his grandfather had been a member of the invasion troops at Normandy. The grandfather told the grandson that he could not talk about it.

Later, he thought his grandson had a right to know what part he had played during the battle even though he could not speak about it. He was able to write about it though, so he e-mailed his grandson a brief description of his participation.

After receiving the initial e-mail, the grandson e-mailed the grandfather with some specific questions. The e-mails which flew back and forth turned into a journaling project for the grandfather so that all of his grandchildren would know more about his life. The grandfather gave the journaling experience credit for his developing relationships with his grandchildren that he had not had before due to their geographic separation.
—DJ Doice

Sage-ing and the Courage to Reminisce
I had returned from Knoxville, TN after spending ten days with my mother. She is 87 years old and is at that pivotal point of being able to stay in her home of 53 years, but probably not for long. My brother and I are faced with respecting her wishes and also knowing that we need to prepare ourselves for making a change. I spent the ten days, going through the house and closets, sifting through the mementoes, photos, clothing (even some of my mother's when she was a young woman) and taking an intense walk down Memory Lane. I have never been able to handle taking this deep look into the past before, because it brings up not only the good memories of the past, but the very sad memories also.

I believe that the Sage-ing work that I have become so familiar with has given me the courage and the tools to open those closet doors and "take it on". To go through my sister, Jane's things and honor her short life without the usual heart wrenching tears was a huge breakthrough for me. I felt soothed and comforted as I examined the report cards, letters, photos, clothing, stuffed animals and the items that held meaning for her. It allows me to know her better; the more I am able to observe the pattern of her life and the young woman she had become at 19 years old, the more memories of our times together seem to come back to me.

So, I feel I have been "living" Sage-ing for the past five weeks as Mom has been with us for the past month during our family's joyous celebrations, and then traveling "home" with her for this period of "Life Review", and recalling the "Significant People and Actions in My Life." I have experienced this contemplative work so intensely for the past ten days that I feel that I have emerged on the other side a changed person. I feel lighter and more loving and loved, by not only my living family, but also those that have gone before.
—Anne Boynton, SG Intern

News & Events

  • Pending Intensives
    Glorious weekends helping us to be the best we can be in the second half of life which are also Certification prerequisites. These weekends mark the beginning of the formation of the 2010-2011 Certified Sage-ing Leader class.
    • Parrish, Florida: January 23-24, 2010. The Art of Age-ing...The Gift of Sage-ing®. Dayspring Retreat Center, 8411 25th St E, Parrish FL 34219. (941-776-8024) and Ann Rinaldi. For more information, see Julia's website. Cost: $250.
    • Longmont, Colorado: April 9-11, 2010. Becoming a Sage. Longmont Senior Center, Longmont CO. Maureen Dobson & (512-454-7229). Cost: $250.
    • Boston, Massachusetts: April 30 - May 2, 2010. Aging, A Work of Art: Invitation to a Sage-ing® Workshop. Walker Center, Newton MA. Pat Hoertdoerfer & Julia Riley. Cost: $250.
    • Seattle, Washington: March 12-14: Sage-ing Intensive Weekend. & Carol Scott-Kassner. Cost: $250.

  • Parrish, Florida: January 22, 2010. Expressive Arts: Discovering What's Next in your Sage-ing® Journey. Dayspring Retreat Center, 8411 25th St E, Parrish FL 34219. (941-776-8024). For more information, see Julia's website. Cost: $125. [not an Intensive]

  • Note! Sage-ing® is a protected term, and, as such should be used with the ® at the beginning of any document. Please inform others who might use Sage-ing that they are infringing upon our trademark. You could also . People certainly can use our concepts, but not Sage-ing® and not our exercises which are copyright without permission. Thanks.

  • We are looking for a few good people to help the Sage-ing Guild grow and prosper by serving on the Coordinating Circle. Please contact .

  • Did you know there are 3 Sage-ing Guild websites? [all undergoing revision to become more reader friendly] One is a public site, another is for professional members only, and the last is where SG documents, committee minutes and other [boring?] materials are stored. The protected site has downloadable SG general brochures, certification brochures, and invitation to join SG as an Associate member brochure.

  • New book for purchase on our website: from Wisdom Circle member Harry R. Moody and David Carroll, The Five Stages of the Soul: Charting the Spiritual Passages that Shape Our Lives, $15. 10 hardbound, signed copies. Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1997. The first book to focus squarely on the spiritual passages the majority of us go through, approaching questions of philosophy and religion from a psychological point of view and offering readers a detailed road map of their quest for meaning and self-discovery. Go here to order.

  • From Age-ing to Sage-ing: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Ron Miller. A new review of our classic. Go here to order. The book sets the stage for transformation by observing that "retirement" is a relatively late concept, and mostly defined by a first-world experience. The author notes the "retirement industry" is becoming increasingly aggressive, as if that's possible. It is also solely geared towards seniors defining themselves in terms of "play" and "entertainment" that the industry is happy to provide.

    Drawing from ancient Jewish and other traditions Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi writes to recover the role of "elder" in a manner which is more than a slogan. The title of the book captures the essence of what both say is a more holistic move. Schachter-Shalomi writes of Old Age as blessing, symbol of loss, a calling, as well as one of the basic tools for harvesting life in an integrated community of all age groups. —Stuart Lyster

Of Interest

Relational Being, Beyond Self and Community, by Kenneth Gergen (Oxford University Press, 2009). In this work I describe how people in relationships create conceptions of reality, rationality, and value. Indeed, it can be said, everything we hold as meaningful and significant in life grows from relationship. read more...

Living Forward, Giving Back: A Practical Guide to Fulfillment in Midlife and Beyond, by Isabelle St-Jean (Friesens, 2008). An excellent book that informs Sage-ing® leaders and others of what a life-retirement coach focuses on with people in midlife and beyond. The book that took three years in the making involved extensive research (over 80 references and sources sited) and numerous interviews. read more...

Caresharing: A Reciprocal Approach to Caregiving and Care Receiving in the Complexities of Aging, Illness, and Disability, by Marty Richards (Woodstock, VT, Skylight Paths Publishing, 2009). This magnificent book is the offering of Martha (Marty) Richards, an often-sought presenter at NCOA gatherings and chair-elect of the NCOA Interfaith Coalition on Aging (NICA). The book is a reframing of the traditional caregiving model to one of "caresharing." read more...

The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully, by Sister Joan Chittister [a Benedictine Nun, now 73 years old, who has spent her exploring the inner meaning of faith] (Bluebridge, 2008). Sr. Chittister turns her attention to aging, covering themes like Success, Time, Wisdom, Dreams, Solitude, Spirituality, and much more. [from Human Values in Aging, November]

Who Am I...Now That I'm Not Who I Was?, by Connie Goldman (Nodin Press, Minneapolis, 2009). In this highly readable book, Connie Goldman shares a series of conversations with 18 women between 50 and 80, each of whom tells a story about her adventures in growth and discovery in aging. Each story is followed by an Afterthoughts section in which Goldman reflects on the central images and ideas of the stories. read more...

• The Third National Positive Aging Conference will be held at Eckerd College, St. Petersberg, Florida, from Dec. 7-9, 2009. The Conference focuses on four themes: Life Transitions, Creativity, Wellness, and Community. Dr. Bill Thomas, founder of the Eden Alternative, will be Keynote Speaker; other speakers include Richard Leider, Meg Newhouse, Susan Perlstein, and Peter Whitehouse. For details about the event and registration, go here.

Meeting Ancient Wisdom, Growing Into Elderhood: a pilgrimage to Copper Canyon, Mexico and its indigenous Tarahumara elders. February 22 - March 5. Facilitated by Ron Pevny and Elizabeth Cogburn, and Jan and Mireya Milburn of the Milburn Foundation. For more information, see the flyer. Registration deadline is early December.

• "Positive Aging: A New Paradigm for Growing Old," an interview with psychologist Robert Hill, is available here (from Human Values in Aging)


• Inspired Momentum, created by life coach Isabelle St. Jean, is committed to empowering people to achieve their deepest aspirations while they contribute to the co-creation of a more humane, just and ecologically sustainable world. Living Forward: Giving Back A Practical Guide to Fulfillment in Midlife and Beyond is Isabelle's new book.

• The Charter for Compassion will be launched in cities around the world in November 2009. Get a copy of the charter; distribute it, mount and display it; spread the word, change the world.

The Glue Holding the World Together —Joan Chittister, OSB
I was part of an extraordinary interfaith meeting that took place in Switzerland this winter. The gathering was nothing less than the attempt to create a common movement among Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus to delegitimize the use of religion as a technique of either state or personal violence. read more...

• Eugene Bianchi, author of Aging as Spiritual Journey, has a new blog devoted to contemplative aging and invites dialogue on the subject. [Note from editor: Bianchi's book was my second favorite in this field, the first being Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's From Age-ing to Sage-ing] —from Rick Moody's Human Values in Aging, October, 2009

• Women on the Edge of Evolution. Free on-line teleseminar series. So far they have hosted Lynne McTaggart, Jean Houston, and Barbara Marx Hubbard. One can go to the site and hear replays.

• Healthy Aging and Me. Article entitled "Ageism Is Not Only Unlawful, It Is Also Unethical."

• Sign up for the BrainWorks Email Events and Info Newsletter. Research suggests that meaningful engagement and socialization are important to brain health. We call it vitality—how we engage in life and the outlook we hold about our activities and relationships. The sage-ing process, a roadmap for getting out of the box of unlived life, is a journey toward vitality. I invite you to check out the type of sage-ing work I am doing at Memorial BrainWorks to nurture the development of the brain. —Rosemary Cox