The Sage-ing Guild Communicator


The Sage-ing Guild Communicator
Changing the paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing®

August 2009



In This Issue

News & Events
Good Ideas
Of Interest

Coordinating Circle

Gary Carlson, Chair
Judy Charlick
Roger Golden
Cheryl Goodman
Johanna Lessner
Trudy Medcalf
Sandy Sabersky
Paul Severance


Judith Helburn, editor
Mike Hughes
Brenda McCutcheon
Rosalie Muschal-Reinhardt
Zora Natanblut

Note: several items in this newsletter are from HR Moody's "Human Values in Aging."

Contact Us


Wisdom Circle: Key figures who have made significant contributions for elders in the world and who share our vision of "changing the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing®."

We are honored to have the following sages in our Wisdom Circle: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Angeles Arrien, Robert Atchley, Connie Goldman, Richard Leider, Wendy Lustbader, Rick Moody, and William Thomas.

Professional members: Our membership is always open to both Certified Sage-ing Leaders and Sage-ing Circle Facilitators. Our trained Professional Sage-ing Guild members who by supporting the SG have access to the members-only web site and receive discounts for SG events and merchandise among other advantages.

Associate members: Benefits of Associate membership include:
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Guild in its work for elders
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Sage-ing work of Reb Zalman
  • Networking with other members thru listserv
  • Discounts on merchandise
  • Occasional e-newsletter
  • Regional association with other Guild members
  • Discounts on regional, national meetings

    Please see the Sage-ing Guild website for details, including membership forms.

    In response to those who find the membership dues too dear, we will honor any Sage-ing Leader who sends what s/he feels is appropriate with membership.


    NEW: 2½" round stickers for class folders and more. Twenty-five for $5.00 + $1.50 postage and handling

    The Sage-ing Workbook previously published by SEI has been revived by Bahira Sugarman, Reb Shaya Isenberg and Lynne Iser (which they originally compiled in 1996). It now is in a beautiful new 83-page format for the Sage-ing Guild, with 35 photographs that greatly enhance its appearance and its effectiveness. The Sage-ing content is not changed, just its appearance, which adds a deeper meaning to the words. We now have a variety of Sage-ing materials on the Guild website.

    From Age-ing to Sage-ing is also available from our website, as are audio and video tapes.


    If you are a member of the Sage-ing Guild, please feel free to contribute to this occasional e-letter. .

    Anyone may subscribe to The Sage-ing Guild Communicator by .

    If you don't equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes, or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the formless dimension, the light of conscious­ness, can shine more easily through the fading form.
    —Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth (Plume, 2005, pp. 50-51)


Welcome! To the Sage-ing Guild's e-letter. Our vision is To change the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing. You are receiving this because you are either a member of the Sage-ing Guild or a Sage-ing Leader. If you do not wish to continue receiving this newsletter, planned for three or four times a year, click to unsubscribe. The Sage-ing Guild Communicator is open to anyone who is interested in conscious aging. One may sign up by sending an email to .

Mission Statement: To change the paradigm of aging by building a community of leaders to transmit the wisdom of Sage-ing.



Carl Jung once remarked that a human being would not live to be seventy or eighty years of age if this longevity had no meaning for the species. "Surely the afternoon of life must have a significance of its own," he said, instead of being merely a pitiful appendage to life's morning. But what is the meaning of the last stage of life? Certainly, it, too, has meaning for the species.

Crone's Blessing
by Zora Natanblut

My hair is graying.
Mouth a twitching.
Some say, I am witching.

I am not groaning.
I am crone-ing.
As, I am aging.
My wisdom's Sage-ing.

Mother bear hold me tight.
Guide my dreams and sleep at night.

With Arch Angels circling around.
While, I hold fast to my ground.
Look at, the new Me, I have found.

When visiting my 5 year-old granddaughter recently, she made sure she could see me in her "doctor's-office" (a small half-bathroom). This has become a regular event, but we don't get together regularly because of distance. I sit on the stool, and she arranges herself and her papers on the floor. She interviews me at length, scribbling my replies on her papers. (She hasn't gotten around to a hands-on evaluation.) This time, as soon as she settled herself, she very audibly passed a little gas. We immediately locked eyes, but after a brief moment, she said, "We didn't even notice that," and proceeded with her work.

A while later, when it appeared as if the exam was winding to a close, I asked her, "Well, how am I doing, Doctor?" She looked puzzled for a couple of seconds, then loudly claimed: "You're going to the finals!!" (This evolved into another scenario, and you'll be glad to know I won in the finals.)

News & Events

  • Important Notice: Mid-Year Membership fees, now through December 31: Professional: $25; Associate: $12.50.

  • SG Intensive weekends in the Midwest and on the West Coast. Looking for 2 experienced Certified Sage-ing Leaders to lead Intensive weekend workshops. We have other CSL's ready to fly in and co-facilitate. We supply materials, national publicity and support. Contact .

  • Books by Sage-ing Guild Wisdom Circle members can now be ordered through the Sage-ing Guild website. Currently, the following are in stock:
    • Something to Live For: Finding your Way in the Second Half of Life, Richard Leider, David Shapiro, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. San Francisco, Copyright 2008. $15.95
    • The Second Half of Life: Opening the Eight Gates of Wisdom, Angeles Arrien, Sounds True, Inc, Boulder, CO, 2007, First Published 2005. $14.95
    • Spirituality and Aging, Robert Atchley, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2009. $45
    • In the Arms of Elders: A Parable of Wise Leadership and Community Building, William Thomas, VanderWyk & Burnham, Acton, MA 2006. $14.95
    The following member books are on order:
    • Counting On Kindness, Wendy Lustbader.
    • Five Stages of the Soul, Harry Moody.

    All of our taped recordings of Reb Zalman are now on CD. They were copied and improved. The names and prices are on the Site.

    Don't forget! A 20% discount is available for all Members. Click on Merchandise in this newsletter.

  • Upstate New York Has Six New Interns. Six Interns have begun the Certified Sage-ing Training with Peg Morris and Rosalie Muschal-Reinhardt in Upstate New York. Sharon Lewis, Tim McGowan, Rosemary Zuck and Maxine Carey are from the Rochester area. Theresa Stanley lives in Ithaca, and Brenda McCuthcheon lives in Tully.

    All of the Interns bring years of experience in various fields, and enthusiasm as they have created a community to transmit the wisdom of the Sage-ing Program. "This is the first time the Sage-ing Guild has gathered a group from a particular area," says Peg Morris. "Usually, people travel from many cities across the country for the CSL Training."

  • Coordinating Circle new members are: Roger Golden from Virginia and Jo Lessner from California.

  • Sage-ing Guild Intensive. October 24-25, 2009. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. Facilitators: Alice Belling, PhD; Ione Grover, MSW and MDiv; and Trudy Medcalf, PhD. $250 Canadian. Contact: , 416-259-4903, or , 519-941-6093.

  • Peaceful Passages: Making Death a Part of Life. October 23-25, 2009. Orlando-Altamonte Springs, FL. Facilitator: Alison Issen, MS & CSL. A Sage-ing Guild Advanced workshop. For more information see the brochure or contact or .

  • Cultivating Wisdom: Sage-ing Circle Facilitator Training. Nov 13-15: Innovation Cafe at Memorial Hospital, South Bend IN. Facilitated by (574-647-6632). For more information, see the brochure. Cost: $500. Qualifies as a Certified Sage-ing Leader prerequisite Intensive.

  • Expressive Arts: A Day of Creativity. Jan 22, 2010. Dayspring Retreat Center, Parrish FL. Facilitated by , RN, MN, AHN-BC, CET, Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator. Cost: $125. For more information, see the workshop brochure, visit Julia's website, or call 941-776-8024.

  • Sage-ing Intensive. Jan 23-24, 2010. Dayspring Retreat Center, Parrish FL. Facilitated by , RN, MN, AHN-BC, CET, Registered Expressive Arts Consultant and Educator. $250. Qualifies as a prerequisite for Certified Sage-ing Leader training. For more information, see the workshop brochure, visit Julia's website, or call 941-776-8024.

Good Ideas

More titles for Sage-ing Guild sessions and workshops:
  • The New Elder Ain't Elderly
  • The Art of Aging is becoming Oneself
  • Navigating the Cycles of Life
  • Aging as an Adventure in Growth
  • When did we get to a place when old is bad? [Moses Znaimer]

Email signature
Brenda McCutcheon, SG Intern, has added "Ask me what Sage-ing is" to her email signature.

Of Interest

Meeting Ancient Wisdom, Growing Into Elderhood. Copper Canyon, Mexico. February 22-March 5. Note: this is a date change from October. Facilitated by Jan and Mireya Milburn of the Milburn Foundation, Ron Pevny, and Elizabeth Cogburn. For more information, see the flyer.

The Third Chapter: Passion, Risk, and Adventure in the 25 Years after 50, Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot. Thorndike Press, 2009. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot interviewed over 40 people who had gone through major transitions in the "third chapter" of their lives. Her style results in one feeling that those interviewed are familiar friends. You are happy to hear about Luther, Lucinda, Pamela and others as she integrates their stories throughout the book.

It is as if one is reading one's own understanding of Sage-ing, rather than Aging. In a nutshell, those interviewed are looking for the Core Concepts of the Sage-ing Program.

Christian Approaches to Aging. The Center for Christian Ethics at Baylor University has made available Aging Study Guides and Lesson Plans for the following topics: "Caring as Honoring"; "When Suffering Continues"; "Declining with Grace"; "Aging from the Perspective of the Cross"; "Old and Full of Years"; "What's Retirement For?" These can be downloaded here.

The Art of Aging. Alice & Richard Matzkin. 2009. A lovely book featuring their art. To see a short video with Alice & Richard, go to YouTube.

Glorious Adventure, Carter Catlett Williams. Pioneer Network in Culture Change, 2008. Recommended by Gene Cohen and Bill Thomas. For details, go here (from Human Values in Aging)

This book pictures a woman reaching her fullest vibrancy as an elder, once she ventures into inner territory that had seemed too forbidding in her earlier years. Letters from the father she could not remember were the means of coming to know him, learning of his love for her and hers for him, and coming to terms with his death. read more...

• Finding Meaning and Purpose in the Second Half of Life is the theme of the July issue of Itineraries, the publication of Second Journey. Includes comments by Sage-ing Leader Maureen Dobson and Sage-ing Intern, Rosemary Williams.

• Igniting Passionate Purpose is the theme of the Summer issue of Itineraries. Linda & Jim Henry are the co-editors.

Are you interested in joining a forum to discuss topics such as: In what stage of my life do I see my self? How do I feel about my own aging? How have I changed over the last 5 years, physically, cognitively, interpersonally, emotionally? Go to Elders Guild, sign in (create a password & give your email) and contribute your wisdom. This website was created by Barry and Deborah Barkan of the Live Oak Institute.

Facing end-of-life decisions by Dr. Martin Welsh. A medical doctor with Lou Gehrig disease discusses end of life issues in the LA Times.

The Boomer Century, a PBS presentation with Ken Dychtwald, can be found here. "A trip down 'memory lane' that brought tears to this Sage-ing Leader..."


• The Eldering Manifesto: We thought you might be interested and willing to add your signature to the Eldering Manifesto. Please feel free to share the manifesto with friends and colleagues of all ages who are committed to making a difference.

• Eldering is "Wisdom in Action"... ELDERING is committing to each other and to a common future. ELDERING is creating possibilities where none exist...

• The Geezer Gallery seeks to challenge ageist thinking and stereotypes by providing opportunities for older adults to participate in the creative arts for both financial profit and personal edification. This goal will be accomplished through the establishment of a fine arts gallery where talented senior artists can display and sell their creations, and through the development of programs of art and programs of art therapy for the benefit of all older adults (age 60 and up) in the Portland, OR metro area. Unleash The Geezer! —Amy Henderson Founder/President

• The Society for Spirituality and Social Work is a national network geared toward the development of "innovative approaches to spiritually sensitive social work practice and education." It sponsors national and international conferences and workshops and supports a variety of publications.