The Sage-ing Guild Communicator
February 2009 |
2009-1 |
In This Issue •Sage-ing Guild News •Of Interest •Questions & Answers •Links •Membership •Merchandise •E-Letters Coordinating Circle Gary Carlson, ChairCarol Bourne Judy Charlick Lorri Danzig Cheryl Goodman Trudy Medcalf Sandy Sabersky Paul Severance Contact Us www.sage-ingguild.orgMembershipWisdom Circle: Key figures who have made significant contributions for elders in the world and who share our vision of "changing the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing®." We are honored to have the following sages in our Wisdom Circle: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Angeles Arrien, Robert Atchley, Connie Goldman, Richard Leider, Wendy Lustbader, Rick Moody, and William Thomas. Professional members: Our membership is always open to both Certified Sage-ing Leaders and Sage-ing Circle Facilitators. Our trained Professional Sage-ing Guild members who by supporting the SG have access to the members-only web site and receive discounts for SG events and merchandise among other advantages. Associate members: Benefits of Associate membership include:
Welcome! To the Sage-ing Guild's e-letter. Our vision is To change the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing. You are receiving this because you are either a member of the Sage-ing Guild or a Sage-ing Leader. If you do not wish to continue receiving this newsletter, planned for three or four times a year, click to unsubscribe. The Sage-ing Guild Communicator is open to anyone who is interested in conscious aging. One may sign up by sending an email to . Mission Statement: To change the paradigm of aging by building a community of leaders to transmit the wisdom of Sage-ing. OUR TEACHERS ARE THE THREADS WHICH WEAVE THE SAGE-ING GUILD TOGETHER! Sage-ing Guild NewsUpcoming weekend Intensives:
Website: Our SG website has caused confusion for more than one person. So, sometime in 2009, we will try to clarify, shorten and improve. Please be patient. And if you have any easy suggestions. Members Only: Do keep the email with your new Professional Sage-ing Leader protected site password when you get it. Ideas Who am I? A socialized meditation. For those of you who have used this, here is a different twist from CSL Intern, Jeanne Marsh. Set participants up in dyads facing one another. Person A asks Person B, "Who are you?" Person B responds for 1 minute and Person A responds with "Thank you," only. Then it is Person B's turn to ask. Repeat two more times. Following the exchange, the members of the dyad have one minute to give each other feedback on how the exchange felt with no advise. Then, harvest. Circles Begin your own Elder Council or Sage-ing Circle using the Sage-ing Workbook as your guide. Buy one from our Merchandise site. Wisdom Circle Books
Of InterestWho Understands Research? Who can understand what researchers write? It's not always easy to get past the jargon of specialists. But help is on the way. Summaries of aging research published in peer-reviewed academic journals are now available for non-specialists at the ART (Aging Research Translator) website. The site has been created with community-based practitioners in mind. The ART website was developed by Cornell University researchers and helps make available the latest findings from the academic world. Visit them here. Choosing Conscious Elderhood, May 8-14, 2009 Choosing Conscious Elderhood will be held at a retreat center in a juniper forest high on a mesa in Western Colorado. It is offered by long-time vision quest guides Ron Pevny (who presented the workshop "Into the Wild" at the Sage-ing Guild Conference) and Nancy Jane. For details, contact Ron via or phone (970-247-7943) or go here. Questions & AnswersQ: How can I use the "Box of unlived life" more effectively? A: Rosalie: The box for me represents being stuck. Stuck from the past and stuck for the future. It is a wonderful image because literally, "it boxes a person." This really creates a lack of energy and moves into three dangerous aspects of Aging: boredom, loneliness and isolation. The first step, it seems to me, is to recognize that we all get in the box sometimes. We are more concerned that the "box of unlived life" represents a major stop gap in the journey of life. So we move into the past with life review, life repair, and letting go with gives us the power to face (rather than back into) the future with a measure of joy. This doesn't happen this fast, of course, but it is a great start. Do you have a Sage-ing Story? A Sage-ing question? Send it to . Links