The Sage-ing Guild Communicator


The Sage-ing Guild Communicator
Changing the paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing®

March 2008



In This Issue

Question and Answer
Web News
Other Resources

Coordinating Circle

Judith Helburn, Chair
Michele Baldwin
Carol Bourne
Gary Carlson
Rosalie Muschal-Reinhardt
Sandy Sabersky
Paul Severance
Judy Steiert

Contact Us


I am calling on my fellow members to help me make a change. I want to change the name of AARP to something that more positively reflects the sage-ing philosophy. I think this would help move our cause forward. I need your help with two questions:

1. What other names do you suggest instead of: American Association of Retired Persons?
2. Do you have any contacts or know someone who has contacts at the national AARP level? (six degrees of separation).

Thanks in advance for helping me with this. —

Begin your own Elder Council or Sage-ing Circle using the Sage-ing Workbook as your guide.

A controversy: Several months ago, Shirley McClaine published a book entitled Sage-ing While Age-ing. She uses the term "Sage-ing" a total of 3 times—in the title, in the first chapter and in the last chapter. As many of you know, Sage-ing is a term registered and owned by Reb Zalman and used by the Sage-ing Guild with his blessings. McClaine's book is about her personal philosophy. Enjoy it if you will; however, do not expect any wisdom about sage-ing as we know and use it.

Other Resources

◊"Caring for your Parents", April 2
◊"The Power of Forgiveness", April 16
Check your local stations for exact time.

"Rumi's poetry of aging" by Rick Moody


The Sage-ing Workbook previously published by SEI has been revived by Bahira Sugarman, Reb Shaya Isenberg and Lynne Iser (which they originally compiled in 1996). It now is in a beautiful new 83-page format for the Sage-ing Guild, with 35 photographs that greatly enhance its appearance and its effectiveness. The Sage-ing content is not changed, just its appearance, which adds a deeper meaning to the words. We now have a variety of Sage-ing materials on the Guild web site.

From Age-ing to Sage-ing is also available from our website, as are audio and video tapes.


If you are a member of the Sage-ing Guild, please feel free to contribute to this occasional e-letter. Send material to .

Anyone may subscribe to The Sage-ing Guild Communicator by sending an email to .

Awakening to Elderhood, we pour the distillates of our lives into other vessels, an act that not only seeds the future but that crowns our lives with worth and nobility.
—R. Zalman Schachter-Shalomi


Welcome! To the Sage-ing Guild's e-letter. Our vision is To change the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing. You are receiving this because you are either a member of the Sage-ing Guild or a Sage-ing Leader. If you do not wish to continue receiving this newsletter, planned for three or four times a year, click to unsubscribe. The Sage-ing Guild Communicator is open to anyone who is interested in conscious aging. One may sign up by sending an email to .

Mission Statement: To change the paradigm of aging by building a community of leaders to transmit the wisdom of Sage-ing.


Changing the Paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing-ing: One Story at a Time
Conference, June 13-15

Save the dates!
The Sage-ing Guild will be holding our first National Sage-ing Guild Conference June 13-15, 2008 at the University of Dayton in Dayton Ohio. Friday, June 13 will be open only to Professional and Associate Sage-ing Guild members, Interns and Wisdom Circle honorees.

So far, we have scheduled:
  • A musical reception open to all, sponsored by UD and the Osher Foundation on Friday night.
  • Richard Leider, creator of The Purpose Project, author of 13 books, as our keynote speaker to open the Saturday program. Richard is a member of our Wisdom Circle.
  • A Wisdom Circle Around the Fire with our Wisdom Circle members, Richard Leider, Connie Goldman & Bob Atchley, Saturday late afternoon [Q & A].
  • An interactive electronic conversation with Reb Zalman just before the closing lunch on Sunday.
  • Sessions that you have said you want or wish to share with others, planned with assistance from those who have responded to our conference survey.
  • Please see the conference site for details.

Note: because of circumstances beyond our control, web registration will not be available until April 1.

All meals will be included in your conference fees with early registration at $225 for all 3 days for members and $195 for 2 days and the Friday reception for non-members. Please see the conference site for details. Lodging is $50/night double occupancy in a 2 bedroom, 1 bath campus suite. Joining the Sage-ing Guild for $20 will give you member discounts. Early registration ends on April 30th.

Scholarships are available for members. Application deadline is April 15th.

Other Sage-ing and related Events
  • "The Joys [and Oys] of Sage-ing," June 19-22 (qualifies as a SG prerequisite training Intensive)
  • SG prerequisite training Intensive, September 27-28, Rochester NY

Please see the Sage-ing Guild web site for details.

Question and Answer

An Intern: What is the difference between a Certified Sage-ing Leader and a Spiritual Director?

A wise Certified Sage-ing Leader: A Certified Sage-ing Leader's role is one of teaching and facilitating the principles of Sage-ing.

A Spiritual Director is one of listening and companioning another person. The goal of the Spiritual Director is to listen and empower the other to understand their faith journey.

In the past, it was clearly a parent/child relationship—and remains so in some cases. However, a more enlightened approach nowadays, is that the spiritual director is seen more as a companion on the journey. Spiritual Direction is not counseling, not educational and not therapy. It is assisting another in a listening posture to understand one's faith journey.

Perhaps this analogy might help. In the "Life Cycle" principles of Sage-ing, many therapeutic insights occur. However, Sage-ing sessions are not therapy sessions.

The four-fold model in Sage-ing is holistic. My own belief is that to become whole is to become holy. Shades of Carl Jung. When we offer participants an opportunity to continue to develop their cognitive, affective, physical and spiritual selves, we are in effect doing a form of spiritual direction.

Do you have a Sage-ing Story? A Sage-ing question? Send it to .

Web News

We are always looking for ways to make using our own Sage-ing Guild website easier (suggestions welcome).

On our Professional Members only site we now have a heading, "Teaching Opportunities", in which we invite experienced Certified Sage-ing Leaders to consider giving a 2-5 day training prerequisite Intensive.

Under that heading we have the agreement between the leaders and the Sage-ing Guild, the budget for the Intensive, a summary of what is to be covered, and forms to be used in the Intensive. Contact Intensive Workshop Coordinator, for more information.

You can now find Professional Sage-ing Leaders on our website, listed both alphabetically and by state/province.

Check out the information on our Wisdom Circle members

You now can send us money for membership or merchandise via

Hints on making the site more accessible:
  • if something is underlined on the webpage, it is a link to more details—click it!
  • have questions about the web site? need help finding something? contact the .

  • Reclaiming Our Elders Voice: Devoted to encouraging elders to reclaim our elders voice—to intentionally become sages; to leave a legacy through our contributions to our community, nation, and world; and to speak powerfully on behalf of generations to come. A new website of Paul Severance, SG Coordinating Circle member.

  • The Elders is an exciting new organization formed by some of the world's most influential living spiritual elders. You can read and sign their "Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

  • Changing Aging: Dr. Bill Thomas' blog site, Like blogs? Want to contribute?

  • The Elder Wisdom Circle: Guide for a meaningful life (from AARP)

  • Harry R. Moody: Director of Academic Affairs for AARP in Washington, DC; Senior Associate with the International Longevity Center-USA; Senior Fellow of Civic Ventures.

  • The Campaign for Love and Forgiveness: Sponsored by the Feltzer Foundation. It includes lesson plans for various grade levels and includes "teaching forgiveness" and "practicing forgiveness."


Wisdom Circle: Key figures who have made significant contributions for elders in the world and who share our vision of "changing the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing®."

We are honored to have the following sages in our Wisdom Circle: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Angeles Arrien, Robert Atchley, Connie Goldman, Richard Leider, Wendy Lustbader, and William Thomas.

Professional members: As of early March, we had about 100 professional members which include both Certified Sage-ing Leaders and Sage-ing Circle Facilitators. Our trained Professional Sage-ing Guild members who by supporting the SG have access to the members-only web site and receive discounts for SG events and merchandise among other advantages.

Associate members: As of early March, we have about 50 Associate members. Benefits of Associate membership include:
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Guild in its work for elders
  • Knowledge that they're supporting the Sage-ing work of Reb Zalman
  • Networking with other members thru listserv
  • Discounts on merchandise
  • Occasional e-newsletter
  • Regional association with other Guild members
  • Discounts on regional, national meetings

Please see the Sage-ing Guild web site for details including membership forms.

In response to those who find the membership dues too dear, we will honor any Sage-ing Leader who sends what s/he feels is appropriate with membership.