The Sage-ing Guild Communicator Changing the paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing® |
August 2007 |
2007-1 |
In This Issue
Coordinating Circle
Judith Helburn, Chair Michele Baldwin Carol Bourne Gary Carlson Pat Lewis Contact Us
The Sage-ing Workbook previously published by SEI has been revived by Bahira Sugarman, Reb Shaya Isenberg and Lynne Iser (which they originally compiled in 1996). It now is in a beautiful new 83-page format for the Sage-ing Guild, with 35 photographs that greatly enhance its appearance and its effectiveness. The Sage-ing content is not changed, just its appearance, which adds a deeper meaning to the words. We now have a variety of Sage-ing materials on the Guild website.
E-LettersIf you are a member of the Sage-ing Guild, please feel free to contribute to this occasional e-letter. Send material to Judith Helburn at . Anyone may subscribe to The Sage-ing Guild Communicator by sending an email to .
Welcome! To the Sage-ing Guild’s first e-letter. You are receiving this because you are either a member of the Sage-ing Guild or a Sage-ing Leader. If you do not wish to continue receiving this newsletter planned for two or three times a year, please go to the bottom and unsubscribe. The Sage-ing Guild Communicator is open to anyone who is interested in conscious aging. One may sign up by sending an email to . Mission Statement: To change the paradigm of aging by building a community of leaders to transmit the wisdom of Sage-ing. Sage-ing Guild Conference: Save the dates! The Sage-ing Guild will be holding our first National Sage-ing Guild Conference June 13-15, 2008 at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. Friday, June 13th will be open only to Professional and Associate Sage-ing Guild members, Interns and Wisdom Circle honorees. So far, we have scheduled: · An opening reception sponsored by UD and the Osher Foundation on Friday night. · Richard Leider, creator of The Purpose Project, author of 13 books, as our keynote speaker to open the Saturday program. Richard is a member of our Wisdom Circle. · A Wisdom Circle Around the Fire with our Wisdom Circle members who can attend, Saturday late afternoon [ Q & A]. · An interactive electronic conversation with Reb Zalman just before lunch on Sunday. · Sessions that you have said you want or wish to share with others, planned with assistance from those who have responded to our conference survey. All meals will be included in your conference fees which are being developed. Expect surprisingly reasonable conference and lodging fees._,_._,___ Other Sage-ing and related Events · Sage-ing Circle Facilitator Training, October 19-21, South Bend, IN · “From Age-ing to Sage-ing: The teaching of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi”, August 27 - December 14, Naropa University online course · SG prerequisite training Intensive, November 2-4, near Seattle, WA · SG prerequisite training Intensive, January 26-27, Parrish, FL Please see www.sage-ingguild.org for details. All Sage-ing Leaders have recently received a very short survey via email. It will take five minutes or less to reply and will influence the work of the Coordinating Circle for the next year. Wisdom Circle: The Sage-ing Guild Coordinating Circle has created a Wisdom Circle which consists of key figures who have made significant contributions for elders in the world and who share our vision of “changing the paradigm from aging to Sage-ing®.”
We are honored that the following sages have accepted our invitation: Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Angeles Arrien, Robert Atchley, Connie Goldman, Richard Leider, Wendy Lustbader and William Thomas.
Professional members: We have over 100 trained Professional Sage-ing Guild members who by supporting the SG have access to the members-only website and receive discounts for SG events and merchandise among other advantages.
Associate members: In this past year, the Sage-ing Guild has created an Associate member category. Benefits include: · Knowledge that they’re supporting the Guild in its work for elders · Knowledge that they’re supporting the Sage-ing work of Reb Zalman · Networking with other members thru listserv · Discounts on merchandise · Occasional e-newsletter · Regional association with other Guild members · Discounts on regional, national meetings
Please see the Sage-ing Guild web site for details including membership forms. Nelson Mandela has launched an Elder Council for the world. Those familiar with Reb Zalman’s work know that in 1995, he advocated just such a Council in his book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing, not only for the world, but locally as well. In Mandela’s speech, he said, “We are moving to a global village and yet we don’t have our global elders. The Elders can be a group who has the trust of the world, who can speak freely, be fiercely independent and response fast and flexibly in conflict situations.” Peter Gabriel and Richard Branson initiated this world Elder Council in 1999. From AARP’s Human Values in Aging, edited by Rick Moody Are you ready for “Birthing the Crone?” For a new look at the art of aging and menopause, visit Helen Redman's site and see her art work. Don't miss the on-line bibliography on aging, religion and spirituality developed by Prof. Henry Simmons. The on-line bibliography is searchable by key words and is a valuable resource. It covers Church and Synagogue; theology; personal spiritual life; ethics; and life-review and reminiscence. Books: Older Americans: Update 2006, Key Indicators of Well-being. 69p. many colored charts, graphs. National Center for Health Statistics: Information Dissemination staff, NCHS, 3311 Toledo Rd, Room 5412, Hyattsville, MD 20782 or . FREE. Thomas, William. What Are Old People For? Just out in paperback. A must for your library [Bill is a member of our Wisdom Circle]. Movies: Away From Her starring Julie Christie, Olivia Dukakis & Gordon Pinset. A beautiful, sad, courageous well-acted story dealing Alzheimer’s, love and coping. Professional Members can go to the Sage-ing Guild web site and click on members-only for a long list of movies about those in the second half of life. |