Program(click on title to read about presentation)
Thursday, October 11, 2012 |
Time |
Session |
9:00am-4:00pm |
Pre-Conference educational workshop #1:
From Age-ing to Sage-ing®: The Heart of the Journey (Thursday, October 11, 2012: full-day: 9:00am-4:00pm), with Rosemary Cox, CSL, SCF; Jeanne Marsh, CSL
1:00-4:00pm |
Pre-Conference educational workshop #2:
Along for the Ride: The Intersection of Life Coaching and Spiritual Direction with the Sage-ing® Experience (Thursday, October 11, 2012: half-day: 1:00-4:00pm), with Rev. Nancy N. DeStefano, CSL; Carol Scott-Kasner, Spiritual Director, CSL
5:30-6:30pm |
Dinner |
7:00-9:00pm |
Opening Ceremony, Welcoming Elders Home, followed by Welcome Reception with brief Conference Orientation |
Friday, October 12, 2012 |
Time |
Session |
7:30-8:30am |
Breakfast |
8:45-9:00am |
Morning Ritual |
9:00-10:15am |
Plenary Session: Elder Years: Transforming or Becoming Our True Selves?, with Connie Goldman and Wendy Lustbader
10:30am-noon |
Spiritual Passages of Retirement, with Pat Hoertdoerfer
Beyond the Basics for Certified Sage-ing Leaders: Workshop Ready Resource Sharing, with Sage-ing Guild Education Committee
Playfulness and the Art of Aging, with Gaea Yudron
Sing Your Truth, Dance Your Joy, Experience Lectio Divina (Divine Listening), with Joan Englander
noon-1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00-2:00pm |
FREE TIME: Exhibits, Conversations, Nature Walk, Being Time |
2:00-3:30pm |
Nature Speaks: The Art of Seasonal Attunement, with Deborah F. Windrum
Storycatching: Creative Space to Listen and Speak, with Christina Baldwin
Sage-ing Service Corps: Putting Elder Altruism to Work In Our Communities and the World, with David Rozell
Sage-ing Discussion Groups: Putting New Life into Sage-ing, with Charles Warren
3:45-4:45pm |
Postcards of My Journey: Using Creative Expression as a Contemplative Tool, with Julia Riley and Anne Boynton
Intentional Travel and the Art of Personal Pilgrimage, with Kendall Dudley
Creating a New World through Intergenerational Programming, with Rosemary Cox
Listen Louder: Communication as Energetic Connection, with Ina Albert
4:45-5:30pm |
FREE TIME: Exhibits, Conversations, Nature Walk, Being Time |
5:30-6:30pm |
Dinner |
7:00-9:00pm |
Plenary Session: Sage-ing® Lineage Story, with Sage-ing Leaders and Christina Baldwin; multi-media conscious aging/sage-ing stories, community participation
Saturday, October 13, 2012 |
Time |
Session |
7:30-8:30am |
Breakfast |
8:45-9:00am |
Morning Ritual |
9:00-10:30am |
Plenary Session: The Positive Aging Rainbow: A Spectrum of Approaches to Paradigm Change, with H.R. (Rick) Moody, Gary Carlson, Ron Pevny, Bob Atchley
11:00am-noon |
Touching a Chord: Finding Healing, Comfort and Community at the End-of-Life through Song, with Anne Murray
Relationships, Sexuality and Health, with Lila Terry and Dori Mintzer
Tips for Making Wisdom Speak, with Parker Trostel
The Gifts of Caregiving: Stories of Hardship, Hope and Healing, with Connie Goldman
noon-1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00-1:45pm |
FREE TIME: Exhibits, Conversations, Nature Walk, Being Time |
1:45-3:45pm |
Plenary Session: World Café: Shifting the Aging Paradigm to Sage-ing Opportunity, with Christina Baldwin
4:00-5:00pm |
Legacy of Wisdom: Centering Wisdom of the Body, with Jay Goldfarb
Lakeside Stories: the Power of Storytelling, with Ramona Big Eagle and Lisa Michelle Mann
From Theory to Practice: Putting Sage-ing® Work to Work, with Jann Freed
Elder as Sage, Old Age as Spiritual Path: Towards a Transpersonal Gerontology, with Quinton Wacks
5:30-6:30pm |
Banquet and Celebration of Founders/Pioneers with Reb Zalman Awards and Fund the Vision Stewardship announcement |
7:00-9:00pm |
Open Mic Night, with Bob Atchley
Sunday, October 14, 2012 |
Time |
Session |
7:30-8:30am |
Breakfast |
8:45-9:00am |
Morning Ritual |
9:00-10:30am |
Plenary Session: Spirituality and Wisdom: What is the Relationship?, with Bob Atchley (moderator), Connie Goldman, Wendy Lustbader, & H.R. (Rick) Moody
11:00am-noon |
Closing Ceremony: Honoring our Elders |
noon-1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00-4:00pm |
Edible Landscape Service Project, with David Rozell
Monday, October 15, 2012 |
Time |
Session |
7:30-8:30am |
Breakfast |
9:00am-noon |
Post-Conference Day, with Carol Scott-Kassner
noon-1:00pm |
Lunch |
1:00-4:00pm |
Post-Conference Day, with Carol Scott-Kassner
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