Sage-ing Guild

The Sage-ing® Guild

Changing the paradigm from Aging to Sage-ing®

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Blessings to the Sage-ing® Guild
from Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

Reb Zalman & the Dalai Lama From Boulder I send you blessings. It is with great delight that I greet the consolidation of the elders guild. Despite some of the setbacks we experienced, there is so much more interest in the work that we're doing. The generation of boomers is about to enter into the work and they will need guidance to move from aging to Sage-ing.

We are in great needs of elder mind at this time. The conditions of life in this planet have been brought to a danger point. The wisdom of elders is needed to steer us all to a place of greater health and peace. This will not be brought about of itself. It will call on the dedication of our seminar leaders to bring the work to wider circles. There is a great need for spreading kindness, joy and heartfelt understanding of the plights of the older generation. Just think back to the catastrophes we experienced. Whatever we can do to demonstrate to the wider public and to government agencies to give compassionate care to our aging population we must do. It is also important to show what contribution seasoned elders can make to the common good.

Reb Zalman I trust that all of you will remember the motto: "the only way to get it together is—together." When you work in ensemble you will find that in the collaboration you'll be so much more effective. You will intuitively, like a good jazz ensemble, give each other center stage and support each other.

You are in my prayers for your health and prosperity.

—Reb Zalman

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